Tips to Design The Perfect Kitchen Layout That Increases Functionality of Your Kitchen

When you begin to plan or remodel your kitchen layout, you want to ensure that your kitchen scores high on functionality and less on redundancy. You want the kitchen to a pleasant place, with less clutter, and one that gives you physical comfort.

You should build a kitchen layout that invites you to the kitchen. You should not rue the fact that you have to go to your kitchen to prepare food. All this can be achieved by finding the right-sized cabinets, useful multi-purpose appliances, and multi-use kitchen furniture.

Shaker style kitchens

If you want a highly functional kitchen, that is high on sophistication and simplicity, then you should try the Shaker styled kitchens. The Shaker Group, were a team of carpenters, who changed kitchen layouts into living monuments. Their designs were inspired by the powers of sophistication in simplicity, finding multi-purpose in kitchen items, and the use of colors.

You need to identify professional Shaker styling kitchen experts who can help you with the designs. Shaker kitchens are timeless. Even if you look at your Shaker kitchen photographs years from now, they will still look contemporary.

The concept of the work-center

The work center concept is a derivative of industrial engineering principles. As per this concept, an area that is designated to fulfill certain tasks should have the appropriate resources to accomplish those. If you have a sink, you cannot have the water supply elsewhere. You will also need a window close by. You will have a ledge to accommodate the washing materials.

Similarly, if you are cooking in an area of your kitchen, you have to have the necessary resources close to your comfort. This saves you time, and also reduces space. It also increases the functionality of your kitchen.

To implement the work-center concept, you don’t need to have a big kitchen. Even a small kitchen can be laid out according to the principles of the work-center.

Choosing the right sequence

The kitchen layout should have the right sequence of work-centers. You need to identify generic activities, and the work-centers you use to accomplish those. After determining those generic activities and work centers, you develop a logical sequence of those work-centers.

This is the blueprint to build a highly functional kitchen layout. You will apply some logic and common sense to achieve this.


Building the perfect kitchen layout depends entirely on your usage patterns. If you do everything at random, you would be surprised to know that a perfect kitchen layout still brings some organization to your random usage of the kitchen.



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